Beans & Bacon – a Poem, a Supper

Wilson’s poem ‘Beans and Bacon – the Tale of Toby Toothpick’  was re-published by the Project in Volume 5.  It has formed the theme for our now annual Literary Supper, held on or close to the anniversary of Wilson’s death on October 3rd 1835.

Here it is for your delight.

1010 Beans & Bacon complete


The Literary Supper, inaugurated in 2018, is intended to be a light hearted affair, and includes a reading of the poem by a suitable performer, and further information, observations, and reflections on both Wilson’s life and the ongoing and newly invigorated story of the Tales.
A light hearted end to the evening is the presentation by guests of their own Tales – each to be exactly 100 words in length.

The 2020 event has of course had to be cancelled, uncanceled, and cancelled again.
WTP Beans & Bacon 2020 Programme:Menu.pages
originally a gathering to celebrate the launch of the latest volume by its contributors, it is now broadening to encompass all past contributors, and if it is allowed again, may broaden further to everyone interested in seeing the return to prominence of

Wilson’s Tales of the Borders (and of Scotland)